New Hampshire Ski Club
We Don't Just Ski
Wednesday, 12 February
At Chunky's Cinema Pub and via Zoom, 7pm start
707 Huse Rd, Manchester, NH 03103
Happy February! Hopefully by now many of you have adventured out for this year's ski season. Come to our meeting in February and hear some updates for club trips: past and future. In addition, come prepared with a nomination for the Board of Directors, whether for someone else or yourself. If you're nominated be prepared to share a little about yourself to the club members.
For location, food and drink information, Chunky's website is here. We'll offer the Zoom options for those who cannot attend in person. But we look forward to visiting with everyone who can make it to Chunky’s.
Note: We will post the Zoom link when it is set up and confirmed.
You've heard our pitch to REGISTER for the meeting ahead of time, here, making it easy for you to win door prizes and let us/Chunky's know how many will order food. As you know, nearly everyone needs more help, so help them out...they want to serve you. MORE: At each meeting, for in-person attendees, we're offering special drawing for 2 to win $25 Chunky's gift cards. On arrival, check in at Chunky's ticket counter, write your name on the paper ticket they give you and drop it the basket at our check-in table. Feel free to check in with the Ski Club greeters and then return to the bar!
Stick around to the end for raffle prizes and 50/50 drawing (Chunky's gift cards and 50/50 for in-person attendees only).
New Hampshire Ski Club.
P.O. Box 6072, Manchester, NH 03108