New Hampshire Ski Club

We Don't Just Ski

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  • #3 Kayak - Nubanusit Lake Boat Launch Landing Rd. Hancock, NH

#3 Kayak - Nubanusit Lake Boat Launch Landing Rd. Hancock, NH

  • 26 Jun 2021
  • 10:00 - 15:00
  • Kings Hwy to Landing Road Hancock, NH

Registration is closed
  • Covid-19 Protocol:    Personal comfort - wear a mask if you feel more comfortable when we are assisting one another within a 6 ft. distance, if you are not vaccinated.                                                             
  • Event Details:  There are two lakes in a unique setting, and an eagle's nest too!  There is a short portage from Nubanusit Lake to Spoonwood Pond.  We will assist one another to carry our kayaks up the stairway to the pond.  We will stop for lunch & a swim on an island, then return to the Lake.  Registrations close 24 hrs prior to the paddle.
  • Meet Time: 10:00 am  Launch time:  BIB (butts in boats,) 10:30 am                     Be respectful of others.  Be early and on time to depart at BIB!                           Paddling Time:  2.5 - 3 hours 
  • How to find us:   Landing Road Hancock, NH  

As a NH Ski Club member, I will make sure I have the right supplies & equipment to keep myself safe while participating in this event along with any guest(s) I choose to bring. I will stay with the group!

  • Checklist of things to bring:                                                                           - PFD - Paddle(s) - Plenty of drinking water - Lunch/Snacks                           - Bathing Suit/Towel/HAT - Insect repellent - Sunscreen                                   - Water Toys... Pumps double nicely as a water squirter!                                        - Water Shoes, No flip flops- Rain Gear! two 10 gallon bags have multi uses.  - Apres paddle: BBQ at Steve Stockwell's home in Hancock - Bring your grill item and a pot luck to share.  Directions given at the paddle.
  • AS A CONDITION OF ATTENDING THIS KAYAK DAY TRIP, YOU AGREE TO: Hold harmless, and indemnify the organizer(s) and their relations and heirs, and all members and participants of the NH Ski Club from any and all claims for injury, illness, death, and/or property damage including those caused by negligence, ignorance, inexperience and other reasons. You also agree to assume all mental, physical, financial, and/or other risk associated with this NHSC activity. Kayaking, camping, hiking, skiing, bicycling and other activities pose inherent risks and dangers. Participation in these activities is voluntary and dependent upon your own personal judgement. In the interest of safety, wearing a Lifejacket (PFD), securely fitted is required while paddling with this group.  All Guest(s) will be required to sign a Disclaimer- Liability Release.

Trip Organizers - Nancy KC  -                                                                           and Deb S  -                          Trip Leaders:      Cindy Jenson, Carol Stevens & Lyla O'Neil. 

 New Hampshire Ski Club.

P.O. Box 6072, Manchester, NH 03108


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